DIY Fluffy Pillow Cover

Katie Jacoby cloud pillow diy pillow easy sewing project fast sewing project fuzzy pillow pillow cover tween decor tween DIY

New Year, New Reels, New Blog…?? 🤔

I had mentioned over on the 'gram that I made new pillow covers for the holidays…I wanted something quick and easy to dress up our couch that looked festive and didn’t break the bank…Now that Chrismukkah season has passed in our house, I wanted to refresh our year-round pillowcases instead of going back to the ones I had before. (Which had been on our couch for over 5 years 😱!)

I made 3 new pillow covers yesterday! Two of them were this fluffy cloud pillow, which the kids LOVE and were so easy to make. Please enjoy my first reel with text 😅 (Apparently, I should have been doing that all along according to the marketing gurus 🤷🏻‍♀️...and I still don't think all my text showed up...but it's a start!)

All of my sewing materials/notions came from Joann Fabrics



(Bonus Hack: I love getting this roll of a long zipper chain with lots of zipper pulls to customize it to any size I need, and I get a few projects out of it, so it's super cost effective! It's usually found in the upholstery section of Joann's.)

What do you think? Should I try making more DIY reels in 2024?!

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